Where do I begin.......
I learned so so so much. I attended some fabulous classes and I seriously was a sponge. Here are just a few of the notes I really took to heart:
* Introduce yourself to other bloggers. You are establishing long-term relationships with these people.
-Jenny, LGN* Scratch the itch or your readers will go elsewhere.
-Jenny, LGN* Remember what Inspired you originally!
- Jenny, LGN* Disclosure is very very very important. You now have to let people know anytime you are writing a post that someone is paying you to write or if you've been given a product for review. Basically just be honest with your readers. And if you are given anything that is worth over $100 you have to claim it for taxes.
* You HAVE to credit sources.
* Be kind and generous, it comes back to you.
-swiss miss (I seriously believe in this principle!) * When it comes to advertisers test the waters first. You'll come to know what your value is worth over time. I think this is so true. Wait till you have a good following before you introduce sponsors to your blog. It's better for everyone. * Do not use the comment section of other bloggers to promote your site or products. Use it build friendships and community. * Spend at least 30 min. a day commenting on people's blogs. And make your comments smart. *Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are the busiest blog traffic days. * My favorite was, "You cannot build your blog in a vacuum!". - a practical wedding You can't just expect to gain readers unless you are actively seeking them and getting to know them.
Basically here is my summary in a nutshell. I learned that I need to think harder about what my readers want to read about. You have to be original. I never want to read a blog that has images I've seen a thousand times before or is just a reposting of a DIY. You need to be thinking of things that no one can read anywhere else. I want to get to know my readers better as well. I need to be better at disclosing and more upfront with all of you. If I am receiving an item for free or getting paid for a post I will be letting you know. I am also herby swearing to be better at Twitter. I'm possibly the worst there is. But thanks to
Tweet Deck I think I can actually start to handle it. I also learned that there are SO many blogs out there that I don't know anything about. I have my little niche of blogs I read but I want to expand my horizon and read a few things that aren't necessarily in my comfort zone. So here are my goals for my business and blog this year.
* Tweet
* Get a Website
* Have at Least 3 Projects Photographed for my Portfolio
* Re-do my Blog Design or at Least Clean it up a Little
* Post more Original Ideas
* Get to Know More Bloggers. Especially the Local Ones.
* Re-do my Advertising Strategy
* Comment on Your Blogs More
* Finish My Master Bedroom!
(okay I know that has nothing to do with my business or blog but it really needs help).
It can definitely get discouraging at times to think of how far I have to go and how GIANT some blogs are. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE blogging and I am so happy to get to share it with all of you. And if you are thinking of starting a blog but are a little scared here is a quote shared at AlT that I love:
"In all new beginnings dwells a magic force" - Hermann Hesse quoted by Tina Roth Eisenberg
Another great part of Alt is the social aspect. I met some amazing people! I have loved blogging for a very long time and it's wonderful to meet people who are equally as passionate about it. Here are some of the people I got to meet and mingle with:
Katie Richardson from Puj Here's me and
Caitlin talking with Bri.
One of my favorite parts of the summit was getting to hang with Caitlin who I email frequently but don't get the chance to spend a ton of time with.
Here we are at the
Kate Spade party. Which by the way was amazing.
Plus we got a goody bag with this cute book, Things we Love. I can't stop flipping through it.