As you've probably noticed I've been making a few changes to my blog layout. I really took all your suggestions from my survey to heart. I am trying to make things more simple and user friendly. And I got a new header! I love it. I wanted something really unique. I loved the colors and feel of my old header but I think this new one is really fun and very "me".
I big thanks to Jenna from Q.A. Designs for doing it for me! She has been a gem to work with. We went back and forth on a lot of options and she was very patient working with me until we got it "just right".
Just for fun lets take a trip down memory lane. Here is my very first header.
Luckily most of you probably never even saw this one. I made it myself. As you can probably tell it was just plain and lacked personality.
Here is my old header. While I've always loved it I wanted a header that was different from a typical blog header. It's fun to change things up.
Thanks again to Jenna for doing it for me. She is taking a limited number of clients right now so contact her soon!
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